Coping strategies that get in the way of living fully
The Neuro-Affective-Relational-Model (NARM)* of healing developmental trauma is a powerful approach to increasing vitality and resilience, and reducing reliance on unhelpful coping strategies.
Different day, same problem
When we've had to survive some tough times we sometimes develop unconscious patterns of protecting ourselves from future difficulties. The way that we encounter the world and ourselves becomes restricted, and we might feel like we repeatedly meet the 'same' problems - even with different people or situations.
Change becomes possible
Later in life, we might get the sense that our 'survival style' doesn't 'fit' us anymore. It is often at this point that people look for ways of changing, but it's hard to do on our own. So coming to therapy for a period of time can be an option to help transform those stuck patterns and to bring renewed vitality.
Looking back, feelings arise, connection and trust develops
NARM works by inviting you to connect with, and to understand the need for those past survival strategies. Our body-mind system is driven towards greater health, and so through a gentle process of associating with memories our body-mind re-organises itself, expanding the capacity for future care-full processing - rather than returning to old unfit strategies.
Boundaries and Action
As the body-mind grows in capacity to connect and attune, so follows the capacity to say no - without guilt or fear. This healthy autonomy creates the possibility for greater intimacy and self-trust. The energy that used to keep you small now is available to your Drive System and action flows from creative thought.
1:1 and Retreats; Individuals, Couples, Families
If you think your life and development are being stunted by past (inherited) dynamics, then investing the time to understand and process these has the potential to be transformational.
I recommend you purchase Laurence Heller and Aline LaPierre's book, Healing Developmental Trauma, and there find many wonderful insights into the NARM model, and also a general understanding of why we do the things we do.
Here at Space to Thrive, Brigid offers 1:1 sessions, face to face or online Zoom sessions. She holds regular Residential Retreats in the North West and East Midlands offering a focused weekend of body, mind and soul nourishment, group and individual work, in a creative and nurturing environment.
While the retreats are for couples or individuals Brigid also offers Activity Weekends which are trauma-informed activities for families that need help overcoming past obstacles, 'inherited / generational' dynamics, to re-establish health and playfulness.