navigating conflict and strengthening team cohesion, accountability and productivity

Small businesses can often struggle with unexplored interpersonal dynamics... threatening stability, retention and growth.

Different roles within a business, require different skills and abilities. There are often conflicting views, personalities, preferences and priorities that get 'played out' in toxic and unproductive ways, leading to stress and failure. Unless the unseen dynamics are understood they can cause havoc and disengagement. Team members can't fulfil their potential and vital participation can be compromised. 


Many small businesses have very intense cultures! Often everyone wants success, but can be pulling in different directions, undermining one another and undoing good work. 


We offer Analysis, Consultation and bespoke packages, based on your company's needs and goals. 

Topics may include:

  • What works well, and why?
  • What's getting in the way of the company reaching its potential, and how to clear the way for a smoother path to success
  • Understanding and defining the vision for the company
  • Superficial Yes, and Hidden No
  • Conflict resolution training
  • Communication skills training
  • Individual and / or Team support for psychological health and wealth 
  • Ongoing, on-call support
  • Ongoing, health-checks
  • Supervision skills training

Get in touch if you think your team has more to give, if given the right space.